15-Minute HIIT: Full Body Home Workout – No Equipment


Exercise / Exercise 134 Views comments

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to today’s workout! I have a fun and challenging HIIT Routine on the agenda for today. This is a great throwback workout and I am excited to re-visit it. This no equipment exercise routine will work the entire body. As a reminder, you will find the full length workout video below.

Remember: Challenge yourself. Let yourself breathe hard and get sweaty. If you need a break, take it, and then get right back into the routine. We have some fun moves in this workout. If you aren’t sure what to expect you can scroll through the video to learn the moves before starting the workout.

I always recommend starting with a warm up. Warming up will help you maximize the results of the workout. It preps your body to work harder and gets you ready to move. For most people 5-10 minutes is long enough for a good dynamic warm up. Your heart rate should be elevated above resting, your body should feel warm and your breathing might be a little elevated.

For my warm-up I like jumping rope or dynamic mobility. Often, I go through a lighter version (just a couple of reps) of each exercise to familiarize myself with the workout and get warmed up.

My Favorite Exercise Mat is on sale for Black Friday: https://amzn.to/3Gh3Dwe (Affiliate link).

Focus On Nutrition:

Through the holiday season and the short days I usually feel short on time and energy. This is also the time of year when I feel the biggest benefits of regular exercise and good, nutritious foods. My body was craving greens today so I threw my eggs on top of a leafy green salad with nuts, tomatoes, onions, cheese, olives and a homemade lemon vinaigrette and paired it with a slice of homemade bread.

Getting in nutrient dense foods doesn’t have to be complicated or fancy. I made the salad yesterday so all I had to do was cook some eggs, toss on the dressing and it was ready to go in a few minutes.

I don’t eat a lot of salads, but this reminded me how quick and easy salads are. So I will likely start prepping more salads as an addition to my normal meals.

I hope that you enjoy today’s workout. Let me know what move you enjoyed the most and what you found most challenging. I hope this workout leaves you feeling good and ready for an amazing day.

Have fun!

Member’s Workouts: Brand New workout videos available to subscription members at: https://www.melissabenderfitness.com/pages/exploremelissabenderfitness 

Amazon Affiliate Storefronthttps://www.amazon.com/shop/benderfitness A lot of my favorites are on sale today, so be sure to check it out!

The Workout:

10/50 Second Intervals. 10 Seconds Rest, 50 Seconds Max Reps.&
1. Lunge Jump Kick Back
2. Knee Drop Plank
3. High Knees
4. Overhead Squat
5. Ab Twist
6. Mountain Climber
7. Goddess Twist
8. Dive Bomber
9. Low Jack
10. Side Lunge Tap
11. Full V-Up
12. High Knee Twist
13. Sumo Squat
14. Hip Lift
15. Knee Tuck

Repeat 1-3X
