Category : General

by Super Admin - 1 year ago

What is sinusitis? Home remedies to treat the infection

Sinusitis is inflammation or swelling of sinuses. It causes discomfort and has symptoms like facial pain, nasal congestion, thick nasal discharge, headache, reduced sense of smell, fatigue, and fever. Sinus infection, acute and chronic sinusitis, bac...

by Super Admin - 1 year ago

What is 10-20-30 interval training? How does it work?

The 10-20-30 interval training method, developed by researchers at the University of Copenhagen and the University of Alicante, improves aerobic capacity, heart rate variability, oxygen uptake, metabolic health, time efficiency, variability, motivati...

by Super Admin - 1 year ago

10 superfoods to lower cholesterol

​Good food plays a crucial role in lowering cholesterol by providing essential nutrients like soluble fiber, plant sterols, and unsaturated fats, which help reduce LDL ("bad") cholesterol levels. Here are a few cholesterol lowering foods for you:​

by Super Admin - 1 year ago

What is dry ice? How harmful is it for human health?

​As per reports, 5 people have been hospitalized after they consumed mouth freshener given to them at a restaurant, which they say were confirmed by a doctor as dry ice. This unfortunate incident happened at a restaurant in Delhi NCR's Gurgaon. The f...

by Super Admin - 1 year ago

What is Aplastic anaemia?

Aplastic anemia is a rare blood disorder where the bone marrow fails to produce enough new blood cells. Treatment options include matched bone marrow transplants and immunomodulatory drugs. Public awareness is crucial for early diagnosis and successf...