By Super Admin

General / General - 11 months ago

What is 75 hard challenge? Why is the internet obsessed with it?

The "75 Hard" Challenge is a mental toughness program created by entrepreneur Andy Frisella. Lasting for 75 days, participants commit to a set of daily tasks, including two 45-minute workouts (one outdoors), following a strict diet with no cheat meals, drinking a gallon of water, reading ten pages o...

General / General - 11 months ago

Can you spot the differences in 11 secs?

Everyone can see the happy walkers, but if you have a high IQ and great concentration power, you can spot the five differences in 11 seconds. Take up this interesting optical illusion challenge. This mind-boggling puzzle will give you a great refreshment from the daily monotonous routine. Take up t...

General / General - 11 months ago

Are you smart enough to spot 4 crabs among these lobsters?

While you celebrate your triumph, remember to enjoy the wonders of optical illusions—engaging puzzles that keep our minds active and engaged. The world of optical illusions invites us to embrace the unexpected and celebrate the power of perception, whether it's figuring out hidden faces or uncoverin...

General / General - 11 months ago

Pap smear tests are necessary even after vaccination

The Pap smear, also known as the Pap test, is a screening method for cervical cancer. Early detection of abnormalities in cervical cells through a Pap smear is crucial for successful treatment. The frequency of Pap testing varies based on age and risk factors, with recommendations for every three to...

General / General - 11 months ago

What are zombie viruses scientists are worried about?

​Just at the same time when we are yet to win the battle against COVID and its emerging variants, a new potential threat has come. This time, the threat is from zombie viruses or the viruses that are frozen in the Arctic permafrost. There is a risk that these viruses could be released due to global...

General / General - 11 months ago

Can spot an elephant in this picture?

​Here's another challenge for you. In this test, the task is to find an elephant in this picture. Someone who puts a first glance at the picture can easily find a man, who the internet believes to be the circus master. The man is desperately looking for the elephant who seems to have disappeared or...